Welcome to Swami Clothing.com
The Clothing and Jewelry Store for the Spiritually and Fashionably Minded...
All Designs Copyright 2011-2021 SwamiClothes.com & Swamiclothing.com 
(Swami Rajakumara PunarjAta Designs) 
All Rights Reserved.

New Orleans, Louisiana
Swami Rajakumara PunarjAta 
Swami Clothing is about finding a 'spiritual style' that applies to you. We live in a society of clones who wish to imitate one another leaving few truly 'authentic' soul dressers walking around. Dress is cultural and to find authentic dressing one must step outside of our own culture to understand that clothing the body is not about being in style, but as a type of holy living. Those who are willing to do whatever it takes to be true to themselves, dress accordingly. We have few authentic 'dressing' role models, such as Johnny Depp, Jenifer Aniston, Tasya Van Ree who are loyal to a signature look, that others tend to emulate. They wear what they want to wear and refuse to become assimilated into the mass style handbook. It is important spiritually to dress in a fashion that connects one to who they are on a very deep level.... You can tell by the 'energy'; the energy of a high self-esteem and not allowing 'critics' to cause them to change their styles. Women and Men equally must follow their own authentic path as the concept of Spiritual 'Holiness' cannot be obtained from someone - anyone - who is simply 'imitating' what they saw in a magazine; rather, what they choose to put on their bodies which IS their spiritual 'temple', regardless of religion or philosophical beliefs. The person who has taken much deliberation and effort to 'find' that true 'self', that true 'inner' being - Swami Clothes is here for 'them', who want the support of a long standing spiritualist in the know who can give them the permission that they sometimes find comfort in to embrace their true selves. Swami Clothing is for women and men alike who wish to live authentically and from the 'SOUL' as all of Swami's designs are created with your authentic spiritual expression in mind. Peace and many blessings on your journey.......Namaste' and many pranams.... _/\_, Swami Rajakumara PunarjAta

We are just getting started with this website and we hope that you will be able to find some spiritually valuable pieces that will not only distinguish you amongst your peers, but also provide spiritual protection to your person and add a boost to your healing and psychic skills as well! 

These 'Original Swami Clothing' pieces have been known to provide energetic and spiritual Help to the healers who wear them as they are either designed or made by Swami Rama Raaja Stone and as such are continually working to help clear one of any dissonant energies or blocks from your AUTHENTIC path. 

May you enjoy your new healing jewelry, clothing and accessories and finally become able to tap into the magical powers that are there to be had to those who become authentic to their own very personal spiritual paths just as Jesus and Saints who have gone before us upon this same plane! Peace and many Blessings to all who work for peace and equal rights on this plane! 

Mystic Tiger Ashram 

More on 'Swami Rajakumara PunarjAta Original's' Jewelry...

Made with the Shaman's dream stones, these bracelets and chokers are powerful healing tools for both the healer and the Mage! Spiritual Men and Women from all walks of life love the protection of these natural stones and materials on their skin healing and strengthening their energy fields while enlightening them. Not only the healer benefits, but also whomever the healer is working with, due to the stones powerful healing energies. Achieve your full potential by wearing all natural quality jewelry made by Swami. Swami Rajakumara PunarjAta can program any 'healing' intention that you personally need into your very own piece. 

Most of Swami's Hand-Made healing jewelry is constructed with real stones, sterling silver beads and nickel wire with sterling silver findings. Others have imported tribal beads, pewter or stainless steel, but they are all marked as to their contents. Materials used are a combination of Turquoise, African Turquoise, Bone, Bamboo Coral, Onyx, Tigers Eye, Yellow Turquoise, Chalk Turquoise and Amber. Only Natural Rocks and Stones are touching the skin/body in these designs.

Healers and Shaman are encouraged to wear only life giving real substances on their person and fake stones, glass beads or synthetic wire are not employed in Swami's handmade items. 
Swami Rajakumara PunarjAta 
Swami Rajakumara PunarjAta 